Upcoming Workshops

Rest Like a Mother: Restorative Yoga to Celebrate Mother's Day with Natalie Boyle

Saturday, May 11th 3:45-5pm
SoulShine Essex | $20

Someone always needs something from Mom. Too often, that leaves Mom with no space for herself.

In this workshop for moms and fem-identifying parents, we will use the practice of restorative yoga to re-prioritize ourselves. You will be encouraged to make yourself comfortable with the use and support of many props, to take up space, and to put your needs first. Allow Natalie to hold space for you to come back to yourself through the deep rest of restorative yoga.

Restorative Yoga is a quiet, contemplative practice where postures are held for an extended time with the body supported by props, to help calm the mind, down regulate the nervous system and to allow the body to open and relax without effort.

Ready to Make a Change?

Become a member of the SoulShine Community and get started with your yoga practice.


SoulShine Essex
1 Market Pl #16
Essex Junction, VT 05452

SoulShine Downtown Burlington
100 Church Street, 3rd Floor
Burlington, VT 05401


Essex Studio: (802) 662-4147
Burlington Studio: (802) 540-0192

[email protected]